Monday, February 17, 2014

Running Sucks!

My runs lately have just plain sucked!  I feel weak and unmotivated. Even despite injuries running is starting to feel more like a chore than an accomplishment.  With three halfs and a full marathon coming up in the next two months I need to get out of this funk!  The truth is I am way too hard on myself, I always have been.  Not being the best is something that I don't handle very well.  The competative nature of my being doesn't feel good unless I am kicking ass! I have not been kicking ass!  Last year I ran through grief and the loss of our son.  Running helped me build mental strength to get through pain that I had hidden from for a couple of years.  Now, I'm just mad at myself for not PRing in any races.  I've taken the joy out of running because of continually telling myself that I am "not good enough".  The agany of not being a "fast" runner like my friends is starting to make me feel bad about myself.  Why do I do this?  I told myself going into this year that I was NOT going to beat myself up for not being fast, I was going to run and laugh and enjoy the journey.  I have done none of that lately.  So, starting tomorrow morning when I am out at 5 am running hill repeats I am going to push myself, but I am going to smile after because well many other people are out at 5am in the wind, snow, rain?  My next three halfs and my full are not goint to be a PR for me and I'm going to be ok with it!  I have to be...I'm done beating myself up!  I will love running again!