Tuesday, August 2, 2016

One Word...

While sitting by my mom's bedside at the hospital over the past week I have been waiting for my "one word" to come to me as I venture into my 2nd year as Assistant Principal.  This is an activity that our Superintedent has us participate in each year.  The word that you choose should be one that you can connect with in your work life and your personal life. There have been several words that have crossed my mind as I have watched my mom battle this horrific disease of cancer.  Cancer has left her sick, weak, in excruciating pain and fighting for her life.  I find myself holding it together when I am with my mom because I don't want her to worry about me.  Which shows my strength but then when I am alone or with my husband I simply fall apart, cry and feel nothing but weakness.  The word strength just didn't seem fitting. Neither did the words, breathe, inspire, fight, live, love, heart or faith.  I was having a hard time finding the "one word" that would fit my personal journey right now and my work path until I kept coming across "one word" that stuck out to me.  The word, my one word for next year is moment. As I thought about this word I realized it was perfect. There have been moments in my career that have changed me, who I am, how I teach and the students that I connect with.  Moments where I was so happy to see a child succeed and moments of hurt and frustration when I wondered if I was truly doing enough to reach each student.  There have been moments in my career that have defined who I am as a leader and moments that I have learned from.  Moments in my personal life that have also changed me.  After losing our son in those moments I held onto my family. That moment changed me as a person, wife and mother.  Even though that moment was one of the hardest things I have endured that moment made be better.  Sometimes the moments of struggle, heartache and pain are the moments that make us who we are.  My focus for this year is going to be to live in the moment, each and every day.  To take the moments and cherish them for what they are. 

My "one word"  is truly more than fitting when you really take a good look at it...MOMent! 

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