Blake with the chicks (March, 2017) |
Kade with Rusty (July, 2017) |
Rusty free ranging in the yard |
Since getting little chicks in March the boys have been patiently waiting the day that they started laying eggs. Ok, maybe I have had to be a bit more patient than them. Finally, the other morning while walking out to check on the girls Kade held up a little chicken egg from their nesting box. We were all so very excited! Having chickens has been one of the best things we have done. Not only are they incredibly fun to have around but the boys have been learning lots of little lessons on caring for animals. We had to say goodbye to one of our sweet chickens who developed a disease that started paralyzing her. Kev took the boys and buried her by a tree close to the shop. Kade has named it the June bug tree after his sweet chicken. So we are down to 7 chickens and they each have their own unique personality. Rusty (Rhode Island Red) is easy going and laid back, she will let you pick her up all the time or just sits in your lap in the yard. Prascilla (also a Rhode Island Red) is pretty easy going as well but won't let you hold her as often. Then we have Henny and Rocky who are both Ameraucana and really pretty birds. They lay blue or green eggs and the boys can't wait to see one. Hopefully they will begin laying soon. Henny keeps sleeping in the nesting box instead of on the roost so each night we go out right at dark and move her to the roost. I think she is finally understanding where to sleep and where to lay. Our last three chickens are Curry, May and Daisy. They are Leghorn chickens which can be very nervous and flighty. However, Curry has become very fond of Blake who named him. No, not for chicken curry but after his favorite basketball player Steph Curry. These little ladies know how to lay eggs. We started free ranging the chickens a couple months ago once they were a little bigger. They can be a bit messy especially in the bark around the front and side of the house. Which has led us to start replacing the bark with rock sooner than we had planned. All in all having chickens has been amazing.
10 acres to free range and Rusty loves the front of the house :)